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ABC’s on how to cure your spring time fever

Alicia Graves / Mainstream
Anthony Vander Veldon, Riverhawk(Anthony Terra) and Mark Hamel proudly pose after finishing the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event in downtown Roseburg.

As the days of spring term drag along, staying focused on studies and finding the motivation to go to class becomes harder and harder.  When a serious case of spring fever is contracted, don’t lose hope.

Spring fever — a term now recognized by those in the medical community — has recently been attributed to a biological change in hormonal levels in conjunction with rising temperatures and increased sunlight, according to what Michael Smolensky, Ph.D. told WebMD. Other experts agree. Go figure.               

“There is more sunlight, so people have more energy, sleep a little less,” said Dr. Sanford Auerbach, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Boston University.

That extra energy does not always get put into homework. “I find spring the hardest term of the year, since the weather is getting nice,” Ginger Johnson, a visual communication student, said.

With several weeks still left in the term as students count down to summer, what can they do to combat spring fever, besides going for a swim in the recently reopened pool?

The following ideas developed by students and experts could mean the difference between passing or failing spring term.

Jamie Glen / Mainstream
James Gagel and Emily Lytle take a few minutes to enjoy a game of Frisbee with friends between classes.

Build a support group.

Find a tutor for areas of trouble. Help others who may be struggling academically, or are just in need of a friend, and you may just find yourself motivated as well.

Kevin J. Lounsbury, a criminal justice student, said “If I do it [classwork] by myself, I’ll probably not do it. I depend on friends and skills to get through the year. At UCC, I’ve noticed a lot of teachers care about learning over their paychecks. The first day I came here, everyone was really friendly and showed me around, and that really helps me learn.”

Care for yourself.

UCC student Theresa Barry recommended “to take at least an hour a week and do something just for yourself.” Read in the sun. Listen to music and dance around in the grass. Take a walk.

Designate reasonable goals.

Erica Cirino, a writer for USA Today, wrote, “Setting small goals throughout the remainder of the semester can help keep you on track. The action/reaction process of setting a goal and achieving that goal can create a positive feedback loop where motivation is concerned.” 

This does not need to be restricted to school and homework. “I try to stay focused on the goals and count down the days to summer,” Johnson said. Make plans for summer and use them as a source of motivation. You may just find the days rushing past you.

Emphasize time for fun.

Get out and socialize. Plan to participate in activities here at UCC. Last week’s Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, this week’s Blood Drive and the upcoming Casino Night are just a few examples of the happenings in conjunction with UCC. Get involved. It’s amazing how much fun you can have and new friends you can make. Go fishing or four wheeling. Play tennis or Frisbee. Add variety to your scenery. “I change my routine to study outside,” Johnson said.

While having fun is important, plenty of rest is just as vital. After being more sedentary during winter, caution is needed.  As Smolensky said, “It’s real important that people realize they are vulnerable.”